Dental Crowns in Jenks, OK

At Casler Dental Group in Jenks, OK, our experienced dentist Dr. Conrad C. Casler, provides quality dental crowns to help with broken or damaged teeth. We understand that having a healthy smile is essential and prioritize giving you the best care possible.

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are a type of dental restoration that covers the entire tooth to restore its shape, size, strength, and appearance. Our dentist Dr. Casler can provide custom-made crowns crafted from either ceramic materials or porcelain-fused metal for a strong and natural-looking finish.

Benefits of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns can help to:

  • Restore the appearance of a tooth
  • Repair broken or fractured teeth
  • Replace large fillings
  • Cover dental implant posts
  • Protect exposed root surfaces from decay and damage

Types of Dental Crowns in Jenks, OK 

At Casler Dental Group, we offer several types of dental crowns to meet the needs of each patient. The type of material used for your crown will depend on the location and function of the tooth being treated.

Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal Crown: These crowns have a metal base with an outer layer of porcelain fused to them. This type is known for its strength and durability and is commonly used for back teeth that usually endure more biting forces than front teeth do. The porcelain layer can be customized in color to match the surrounding natural teeth.

All-Ceramic or All-Porcelain Crown: These are made entirely from ceramic or porcelain, making them look more natural with a translucent quality similar to natural teeth. All-ceramic crowns are ideal for front teeth as they blend perfectly with the rest of the smile.

Gold Alloy Crown: Gold alloy crowns are made from gold and other metals like copper, palladium, or platinum. They can be used on any tooth but may be especially beneficial when placed on back teeth because they have greater overall strength than all-porcelain or ceramic crowns.

Dr. Casler will help you determine which type of dental crown is best for your needs during your initial consultation at our practice in Jenks, OK. With years of experience providing comprehensive dental care, he has the expertise to determine the best course of action for your dental health.

How Much Do Dental Crowns Cost in Jenks, OK?

At Casler Dental Group, we work to make our services as affordable and accessible as possible. We accept most major insurance plans and will advise you on your personal payment options to best fit your budget.

Book Your Dental Crowns Appointment in Jenks, OK, Today!

If you want to learn more about dental crowns, don't hesitate to contact our office today at 918-477-7677. We look forward to helping you restore your smile and confidence with quality custom dental crowns.