Dentures in Bixby, OK

A bright and healthy smile is a key element of one's self-esteem and overall well-being. Unfortunately, tooth loss can not only affect your appearance but also impact your oral health. Dentures offer a practical and effective solution to restore your smile and maintain your oral health. Casler Dental Group, a trusted dental practice based in Tulsa, OK, is now extending its services to Bixby, OK, offering top-notch denture solutions. 

What Are Dentures?

Dentures are removable dental prosthetics designed to replace missing teeth and restore oral function. They consist of artificial teeth attached to a supporting base made of materials like acrylic or metal. Dentures can be customized to fit your mouth comfortably and mimic the appearance of natural teeth.

The Importance of Dentures in Oral Health

Oral health is crucial for overall well-being, and maintaining healthy teeth and gums plays a significant role. Tooth loss can lead to various oral health issues, including:

  • Difficulty Chewing: Missing teeth can make chewing and eating a challenge.
  • Speech Problems: Tooth loss can affect your ability to speak clearly.
  • Shifting Teeth: Adjacent teeth may shift to fill the gap left by missing teeth, causing alignment problems.
  • Bone Loss: The absence of tooth roots can lead to bone loss in the jaw.
  • Self-Esteem: Tooth loss can have a negative impact on your self-esteem and confidence.

Dentures offer a solution to address these issues, allowing you to regain your smile and oral function.

Who Can Benefit from Dentures?

Dentures are an excellent option for individuals who have:

  • Complete Tooth Loss: Full dentures are suitable for those who have lost all their natural teeth in either the upper or lower arch, or both.
  • Partial Tooth Loss: Partial dentures are designed for individuals with some missing teeth and are used to fill the gaps while preserving existing teeth.
  • Difficulty Chewing and Speaking: Dentures can improve oral function, making it easier to eat and speak.
  • Desire for a Restored Smile: Dentures provide a natural-looking smile, enhancing your appearance and self-confidence.

Types of Dentures Available in Bixby, OK

Casler Dental Group offers a range of denture options to meet your specific needs:

  • Full Dentures: A complete set of dentures to replace all upper or lower teeth.
  • Partial Dentures: Designed for those with some natural teeth remaining, these dentures fill the gaps and prevent further tooth shifting.
  • Immediate Dentures: These dentures are placed immediately after tooth extraction, allowing you to have teeth during the healing process.
  • Implant-Supported Dentures: These dentures are anchored to dental implants for added stability and improved functionality.

The Denture Fitting Process at Casler Dental Group

The process of getting dentures at Casler Dental Group typically involves:

  1. Consultation: Your dentist will assess your oral health and discuss your denture options.
  2. Impressions: Precise impressions of your mouth are taken to create custom dentures.
  3. Fitting: Your dentures are carefully fitted to ensure comfort and functionality.
  4. Adjustments: Your dentist will make any necessary adjustments to ensure a proper fit.
  5. Education: You will receive instructions on how to care for and maintain your dentures.

The Denture Experience

Getting dentures may require an adjustment period as your mouth and muscles adapt to the new prosthetic. Initially, you may experience:

  • Salivation: Increased saliva production is common but usually temporary.
  • Slight Discomfort: Some initial soreness or pressure may occur.
  • Speech Changes: It may take time to adjust to speaking with dentures.

These challenges typically subside as you become accustomed to your new dentures.

Tips in Caring for Your Dentures

Proper denture care is essential for their longevity and your oral health:

  • Clean Regularly: Brush your dentures daily with a soft brush and mild denture cleaner.
  • Rinse After Eating: Rinse your dentures after meals to remove food particles.
  • Handle with Care: Handle your dentures carefully to avoid damage.
  • Remove at Night: Take out your dentures at night to allow your gums to rest.
  • Regular Check-Ups: Schedule regular dental check-ups to ensure your dentures fit properly.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Dentures may initially feel bulky or unfamiliar, but most individuals adapt to them within a few weeks.

The lifespan of dentures can vary, but with proper care, they can last for several years.

Dentures can fill out your facial contours, helping you maintain a more youthful appearance.

The cost of dentures depends on the type and complexity of the denture needed. During your consultation at Casler Dental Group you will receive a detailed estimate for your specific treatment.

Book Your Denture Consultation in Bixby, OK, Today!

Ready to restore your smile and improve your oral health? Contact Casler Dental Group at 918-477-7677 to schedule your dentures consultation in Bixby, OK, today. Dr. Conrad C. Casler Jr., DDS and his dedicated team are here to provide you with exceptional, compassionate dental care that ensures your smile is both functional and beautiful.