Tooth-Colored Fillings in Broken Arrow, OK

Experience the seamless blend of aesthetics and functionality with our Tooth-Colored Fillings service in Broken Arrow, OK. At Casler Dental Group, led by Dr. Conrad C. Casler, JR., D.D.S., we offer a modern solution that restores your smile's natural beauty. Our practice is your trusted partner for discreet, durable, and aesthetically pleasing solutions.

What Is Tooth-Colored Fillings?

Tooth-colored fillings, also known as composite fillings, are a dental restoration option designed to blend seamlessly with your natural teeth. These fillings are made from a mixture of composite resin materials that match the color and texture of your teeth, providing a discreet and aesthetically pleasing solution for cavities, cracks, and minor dental imperfections.

Advantages Of Choosing Tooth-Colored Fillings

  • Natural Appearance: Tooth-colored fillings mimic the look of your natural teeth, making them virtually indistinguishable.
  • Bonding Strength: Composite fillings bond directly to the tooth structure, often requiring less removal of healthy tooth material.
  • Durability: With proper care, tooth-colored fillings can last many years, maintaining their integrity and appearance.
  • Versatility: These fillings can be used for front and back teeth, providing a versatile solution for various dental issues.

Tooth-Colored Fillings Vs. Traditional Silver Fillings

Tooth-colored fillings offer significant advantages over traditional silver amalgam fillings:

  • Aesthetic Appeal: Composite fillings blend discreetly with your natural teeth, while silver fillings are noticeable due to their dark color.
  • Preservation of Tooth Structure: Composite fillings require less removal of healthy tooth material during placement.
  • Reduced Sensitivity to Temperature Changes: Unlike metal fillings, tooth-colored fillings don't expand or contract with temperature changes, reducing the risk of fractures.

The Procedure for Placing Tooth-Colored Fillings in Broken Arrow, OK

The process of placing tooth-colored fillings involves the following steps:

  1. Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is administered to numb the treatment area.
  2. Preparation: The decayed or damaged portion of the tooth is removed and thoroughly cleaned.
  3. Layered Application: The composite resin material is applied in layers, with each layer being cured using a special light.
  4. Shaping and Polishing: Once the desired shape is achieved, the filling is shaped and polished for a natural finish.

Aftercare Tips for Tooth-Colored Fillings

  • Maintain good oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing and flossing.
  • Avoid chewing on hard objects or biting down excessively on the treated tooth.
  • Attend routine dental check-ups to monitor the condition of your fillings.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Tooth-colored fillings are stain-resistant but may develop slight discoloration over several years. However, maintaining good oral hygiene and avoiding staining agents can help preserve their appearance.

Tooth-colored fillings can last 5 to 15 years or more with proper care.

Suppose you experience sensitivity or pain or notice signs of wear or chipping on the filling. In that case, it's advisable to consult your dentist for an evaluation.

The cost of tooth-colored fillings, also known as composite fillings or white fillings, can vary depending on factors such as the location, the size of the filling, and the complexity of the procedure. Our team will provide an estimated cost based on your specific needs.

Book Your Tooth-Colored Fillings in Broken Arrow, OK, Today!

Experience the benefits of tooth-colored fillings firsthand at Casler Dental Group. Call us at 918-477-7677 to schedule your appointment with Dr. Conrad C. Casler, JR., D.D.S., and achieve a confident, healthy smile.